Internal & External Parasite Control
Parasites can cause disease and discomfort to our pets, and some can be spread to humans also. Common parasites include gastrointestinal worms, fleas and ticks. Our Hospital stocks a range of products for your pet's complete parasite control needs!
Gastrointestinal worms
It is estimated that four out of every five dogs, and three out of every four cats, carry gastrointestinal worms.
To help minimise the risk from gastrointestinal worms to both animals and owners alike, we recommend that dogs and cats should be given deworming medication to control gastrointestinal worms every three months (or every 6 weeks for dogs at risk of Hydatid tapeworm). For dogs, there are also combination medications which cover heartworm prevention as well as some of the gastrointestinal worms. Ask us for further information if you are interested in these.
Flea bites can cause itching and dermatitis in animals and humans. If there is a big flea burden, your pets can develop anaemia. Fleas are also the main carriers of tapeworm which can infest your pets and also young children if fleas hop into their mouths.
We recommend oral monthly treatments with Bravecto or Nexgard or spot on treatments such as Revolution and Advantage.
In some cases, you may need to treat the environment as well if you have difficulty eradicating fleas.
Please drop in and discuss any issues with the staff. We will be happy to give you al the advice that you need.
Bites from Paralysis ticks are extremely dangerous to your pets. Fortuantely, these parasites are not native to our area. If you plan to travel up North, especially along the Coast or along the Murray River, please speak to our staff about preventative measures.
A number of preventative treatments are available, oral and spot ons.
Please speak to our staff about the options.